• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 01
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colours on my hands

I wear green gloves
As I sow seeds
In the fertile core of the earth
And take care of the tender samplings
Till they become tall and strong
To take care of me.

There, those red gloves
I wear them for passion
Life surges as blood sings
Strange and melodious symphonies
In my ear
While the beloved is whispering sweet nothings
In other one....

Yellow ones are for the times
When I trust someone
And believe with all my heart
That nothing is going to hurt me.

Those blue ones
Are for the times my mind wanders
And I feel one with earth and sky, at once.

Orange ones are for laughs
And pink, for the time with my children.


colours on my hands

And black ones I try not to wear
For they bring in a feeling of anger and rage.
Brown ones match my eyes
I wear them when feelings melt
And flow through eyes

And white ones...
I wear them often
To pray to the Lord above.
I try
To keep them clean