- Vol. 10
- Chapter 05
Your Abundance is Complete
My consumption of you
is as a feast upon my table.
Tallied in sweet succulents,
I find your abundance.
You drape yourself
to draw my eye to
the vividness of your color,
bold blush
rosy bloom
fertile green accompaniments
Your languid ripeness
unwinds among the salty tang,
upon liquid heat
this palate
in a delightful cacophony
your feast spreads before our eyes
We dream of
strange guests
playful in our periphery
drawn as we are
to simple delights.
Your Abundance is Complete
As I am drawn to you,
as a feast upon my table
where a berry bursts upon the tongue
a bit of cheese to embolden the mild
juicy fruit wet upon the hand.
You are from the sea and land
your abundance is complete
my consumption of you is inevitable.