- Vol. 09
- Chapter 02

Why be a Unicorn Anyway?
Who cares you're not a reindeer?
Coughing glitter in the squinting starlight
For the odd addled carrot
In the sour glow of Rudolph's glory.
Who cares you're not a unicorn?
Unapproachable and arrogant
Preened in pompous supremacy
You'd gloat over others
All that shining and buffing
For no one to really believe in you after all!
Who cares you're not a race horse?
Laden with debt and promise,
Breaking your back for broken homes
Spits and snarls cutting the cheers
You'd run for.
It's you we see! Wonderful you!
Worn with strength and love
And upon your face
We can trace
An etch-a-sketch of
cheers and tantrums
Which you carried us through unfazed
And when your load grew heavy
And your knees did bend and grey
We breathed you back to life
Why be a Unicorn Anyway?
In the mirrored reflections of our hearts,
We see you find yourself
and hold your head up high,
And with shoulders broad
And fighting breath
You show them who you are.