• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 07


Who am I, really? Who am I looking at? Who shaved my hair off? Who painted my face? Who drew the kohl around my eyes? Who put the necklace round my neck? Who called my name? Who kissed my lips? Who took my clothes off? Who made me a woman?

I've been here for a long time, searching with my eyes for all the answers. So, let me repeat:

Who are you, really? Who are you looking at? Who shaved your hair off? Who painted your face? Who drew the kohl around your eyes? Who put the necklace round your neck? Who called your name? Who kissed your lips? Who took your clothes off? Who made you a woman?

It could be a picture. It could also be a mirror. Those eyes, those eyes, they could only belong to one person. Who?