• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 08

Welcome Back Home My Sweet Otherness

I look for you inside all the empty faces I see in the mirror.

Razor sharp hair blooms out of your head, shards of glass,
Cracked lips, bleed between coffee stained teeth,
Face mapped by scars, trails in the explorers’ skylight,
Hardly a wrinkle gives away your age.
Stones lie over each other on the tip of your tongue, so you won’t choke,
Ulcers burning with icy words, open wounds, volcanos in an Icelandic landscape,
Dark brown eyes, melancholic mountains cut by rivers of radioactive tears.
Your ears hold the echoes of long lost broken promises,
Your hands, shell shaped, are painfully crooked into a defiant fist,
Your voice, makes sore noises, loud and strong, a young magpie on top of a maple tree,
Your breasts full and soft, filled by the knowledge of the Milky Way, embrace your offspring.

Welcome back home my sweet otherness,
I guess you never left. You were always there.
I just didn’t know where to find you!