• Vol. 01
  • Chapter 12
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The way you returned

When I climbed this peak
I did it for you.
This peg of the earth
Kept me pegged to you.

I wandered alone
Without a thought,
Through pelting rain,
Then hail, then frenzied snow.

As I reached the top
I reflected on you.
I looked out to the lake
And began to see.

How much I'd forgotten,
Pictures hazed by fears,
Dulled as you dulled
From those pocketed pills.

How I wish you could share
This sky, this view.
All I have is a memory
Though it ebbs and it flows

Of us scaling a mountain
In a faraway land;
Far away from life
And its trammelling pains.


The way you returned

The wind cut out,
And instead came a breeze -
Clear, and afresh,
It spirited, then coursed right through me.

So clear it was,
Clear as the water below;
It made me turn
East with its blush of dawn.

For the first time
A crescented smile
Etched its way on my face,
For there you were, standing next to me.