• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 09
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How to walk blindfolded/ Or make a general mess of things

I asked you a question

you did not answer.

The sea

a film around us. Blue,

                everything was blue.

The air smelled like cannabis,
                and I wondered,
if this was a dream or merely something like it. Everything was fresh,


a blinding blue lightness.

                Everything hurt.

I asked again, and you dodged.
We were talking of unicorns.

The sky was skin, unbroken and without blemish
                your teeth skimmed the surface, and I

dipped into scars.

we were together


How to walk blindfolded/ Or make a general mess of things

I will not ask again, I promise
                but fear makes me repeat myself,

and an old ache, or the memory of it,
                      in our own worlds.
everything was clouded blue.

  always beating just beneath the surface.

You asked if I was okay
                but I was dumbfounded.
        Blindfolded, I
stepped out into the blue,
        into fate.