- Vol. 02
- Chapter 01

Unknown Grandfathers
I so wish for ancient grandfathers.Venerable with literary gravitas – linking
their poetic lineage with my frail capacity.
Sending thought waves from the grave.
‘Do your really want to use that word?’
Impatient with my choice of subject.
‘Too hackneyed my dear – find your voice
and listen to your wise relations’.
Looking like Tennyson or William Morris.
Poets etched by hard worn lines.
Skipping generations and landing
up in my small mind – bewildered,
by my little talent – they had
been lead to believe I had a presence
and was a Poet Laureate – a name.
Well our surnames begin with the letter ‘D’
so surely that’s a start.
They cry vexed tears from the other world
and baptise me with their disappointment.
I promise to do better and make them proud.
They sigh and vanish – vaguely mollified,
but still shaking heads and beards.