• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 01

Twinkle in the eye

Oh there he is, running up the staircase
Late as always he is and it makes people gaze
Me sitting in my class staring out the door
As other guys enter I say no no, just just one more
And there as the teacher speaks I sit and imagine
Me and my guy dancin for a song that’s in Latin
End of the song there he goes down on his knee
But in the real scene here he pulls me back when he says excuse me

And that’s when I see a twinkle in the eye, little twinkle in his eye
I fly fly very high
Higher than the skyscraper in Dubai
Seeing the twinkle in his eyes

Walking past me without a glance he brushes my ego
To the chair next to some guy and says “hey amigo”
Listening to my ninja-self saying “hey let’s give it a whirl”
And so I turn to see the corner of his perfect lips curl
Felt like he wanna say “hey baby girl”

That’s it, that’s when I have that
Twinkle in my eye, a little twinkle in my eye
Feeling all shy
With a twinkle in my eye