- Vol. 05
- Chapter 09

To the Editors, Historico-sociological Perspectives in Music Technology
1st Avril, Modern Era Year 687
It was with rising dismay and, yes, distress, that I read Dr Andeea Hairspliiter’s article in the last issue, ‘The Final Days of Vinyl: How CDs Killed the Single and LP’. Dr Hairspliiter’s contention that it was the compac disc format that finally ended the days of the vinyl record is, frankly, laughalicious. Dr Hairspliiter wholly ignores the widely-known music formats that were interim between vinyl records and the compac disc. Dr Hairspliiter’s argument is simplistic in the xtreme. Popular formats between vinyl and CD included the lazer disk and mini discette. But, of course and obvs, the foremost among interim formats was the cassette tape, and it was this format more than any other that led to the rapido demise of long players and singles.
To the Editors, Historico-sociological Perspectives in Music Technology
The archological record (pun intended) has shown again and time that in the 1960s and 1970s (Ancient Era) no respectable music fan would be seen without their WalkhuMan tape cassette player and sizable collection of popular music cassettes. Has Dr Hairspliiter not no knowledge of the fact that many top-selling CDs in this era were first hits on cassette tape before the CD format rose to popularity? Has Dr Hairpspliiter not never read Professor Cedrid Longtime’s seminal paper, published not forty-three years ago in this very publication, ‘Rare Grooves: the Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall of the Vinyl Music Recording Format’, which would have cleared up several of Dr Hairspliiter’s more glaring errors. Has Dr Hairpspliiter not no knowledge of Dr Flange Actual’s ‘Rock Dinosaurs: How Prog Caused a Vinyl Extinction Event’, published not fifty-seven years ago in the esteemed multi-tome Rock Pop Jazz Shock: A Survey of Five Thousand Years of Popular Music?
It is time for Dr Hairpspliiter to examine their conscience and their evidence. Why, not last week in Cambridge, European State, at the Museum of Technological Advances, I myself saw a pristine tape cassette of the very type Dr Hairpspliiter so woefully ignores. As they say, “C30, C60, C90, GO!!”
Professor George Henry Trundle (Mrs), New York Superstate, Amerika