• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 04

This One

From the two photographs
shown to me
I chose this one

On the first one she sat, still
in her thoughts, withdrawn
like an ignored wave

her restless heart
fluttering atop
a yen in her chest

the old salt in her young tears
since drowned, unfound,
in an empty nest

she eventually flew
but until then she remained
uncharacteristically chaste

Now the second photograph
shows her inner self
and tinting the sepia are

her inner chords,
strummed by the laughter
flying from her mouth

like doves cooing in delight


This One

her face lightly pressed
against the handkerchief
finally clad of woe in its weaving

(I know what she's thinking)
To paraphrase Dolly Parton :
It takes a lot of tears to look this happy.