• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 11
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Things Always Come in Threes

Things always come in threes.
Bad luck.
Good luck.
Education, education, education.
Invitations to gatherings, drinks, house warmings.

By the time I'd made it to the first flat,
the party was over.
No one answered my knocks.
The music was off.
Just the faint sound of a conservative host
snoring made its way through the cracks
of the locked door.

I made my way down to the second flat.
I rang the doorbell
and heard a hushed silence fall on the inside.
Muffled voices.
Stifled arguments.
I quickly turned around –
I didn't need passive aggressive rows,
I was too buzzed off my face for that,
so I went down to the third flat.

The door was on the latch.
I stepped in.
The music started fading.
The lights went on.
Parents in the room put coats on kids,
conscientious guests put party plates in bins,
the host said they were "all out of drink".


Things Always Come in Threes

I took out the bottle of half-downed budget vodka
from my back pocket and said, "No bother..."

The host yawned and said, "Things are winding down."

I stole some crisps and I left.

Things always come in threes.
Bad luck.
Good luck.
Education, education, education.
Invitations to gatherings, drinks, house warmings.
Friends moving on.