- Vol. 05
- Chapter 09

The weird tune
I had a taste once for the popular stuff but it's gone now and my cravings have turned to stranger things.
There is a body of music so old and so queer as to sound made by creatures we would not recognize as human but perhaps some species that dragged itself from caves or from deep in the sea and just began to wail a song that was later taken up by billy goats who rose upon their hind legs and sang like men, their songs later embraced by toads chanting like monks
The weird tune
at the bottom of a well and finally adopted by men who had to fashion instruments from intestine, seaweed and bone to reproduce it.Once you have heard this your ear turns and deforms and develops its own cravings that cannot be satisfied elsewhere. One spends one's hours rummaging through crates of discarded albums seeking markings like secret glyphs on a map identifying the contents, perhaps there will be a word found only in a dreadful song or there might be a hat favored by singers who have spat out strange sequences of sharps and flats and whose mouths cannot be reset to the modern shape.
You buy the album and the clerk looks at you with a knowing raised eyebrow and you say nothing but nothing needs said in this cult of the weird tune.