• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 11
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The Stallion

A mighty beast standing proud
defying the wranglers all around
A braided rope whistles through the air
shouts and screams are heard all around
As a perfect stillness breaks the air
A loud scream commands all to look
The black stallion standing proud
within their steely stare
rounded up from windswept glades
his wild mane lying gracefully upon
his arched and muscled back
dust settles upon the ground
within the corralled space
Horses mill and snort in defiance
that fills the air
His eyes ringed with white
looks beyond its normal pace
his silken skin shines darkly
within the dappled light
he trembles and snorts his strength
at the Ones gentle touch
His ears perked straight
upon the words that are whispered in his ear
a breath breathes softly upon his muzzled snout
Hands gentle him within his fright
eyes roll

The Stallion

Hooves paw on the ground
ready for his final flight
He snorts and gazes beyond
the mountains within his sight
of long forgotten wild pastures of the plains
filled with sounds that brings
sights and smells of wild herds galloping
upon these plains
A raised head as if defying the man within its gaze
head lowered towards his favoured touch
gentled …. for just a while
as man and beast becomes complete
and as the turmoil begins again
as sights and sounds return to its normal pace
The perfect stillness that broke the air
A mighty beast standing proud
within their stare