- Vol. 10
- Chapter 11
The signet ring general development project (Song of expansion)
There you go again,
thinking that if something –
a table, a heart, a pitch, a planet –
is waiting, it is waiting
for you, and your particular
charms: the indolent wheedling,
the faux innocent
pleading, the rising timbre
of a voice saying: I am of the clan
that was born for this
thump of duty, this redcoat
responsibility that must build utopias
everywhere we look,
land, using only what is left
from our thrifty seas of ancient black.
Imagine if you didn’t.
Imagine if you stayed well
away. Imagine if you let things be, to be.
The signet ring general development project (Song of expansion)
Uncurl the fist, take
off the ring, hurl it into the
unruly ether. Don’t look at forever, now.
Easy, isn’t it? To sing
another song, allow dust to
patch the hymn book to a pulsing close.
(To Jay)