- Vol. 03
- Chapter 09
The End Times
I have a thought I almost
if a tree falls
in a drowned forest, will it float?
and will anyone be left to tether to it?
Bobbing to the newly polished surface,
of a world refusing
Like a body, its dark mass
  comes up water-logged and wreathed
in sea weed,
shining its undone braids.
  This fear is white as bloodletting.
I can feel the ice translating itself
into an unspeakable something
What I’m faced with
is faceless. So what can I do but push,
off and out,
into thoughts that don’t have me.
The weird light of that narrowed cell.
(Or is it without walls?)
The End Times
Should I make my daughter
into Neptune’s
wooden angel?
her polished prow
to ride our erased futures,
with a beauty violent
and simple
against my
better knowing
I strike a bottle against her
a ceremonial launching:
go forth.