• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 06
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the earth is red

the earth is red
baked clay
like that time
the plane touched down
on Cuban soil
and we felt the warmth
of sunlight
trapped in layers

the earth is red
baked clay
like that time
on Mount Olympus
so many years ago
when heroes
contested: faster,
higher, stronger,
Citius - Altius - Fortiu

and on that mountain
with red dust on
their hands and
sandals, watching
sat the gods
encouraging their
favourites, betting
on their wins


the earth is red

and just last week
on a drive in London
forgetting Olympic
values, eschewing
Olympic rings,
far from the torch,
medals, podium
Saharan sand fell
on cars and

reminder of our nearness
to each other
and that red, baked clay