• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 05
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The Duck Dreaming

of clear water / of pleasant weather / of an ice-
berg floating, ten per cent visible, slight, slithering,
swift and slow at once / to climb on it: // a ship
nine-tenth unmapped,

its white hump an only deck / to climb on it //
his newly trumped up hair ready to wave goodbyes
/ to say hello // the iceberg a time machine:
heave ho, fall,

ahoy / to say hello // to not be called THE TAME
BILL again / to not be called anything at all / to look
at lakes thawing // the cropped hairs ready to wave
goodbyes / to fly

/ to live in a land of snow and bread: to look like
it // to think of round eggs / to say hello and smile /
quack / to not be called THE TAME BILL anymore /
to escape this

// to think of the Mediterranean / to fly