• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 07
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The Curio Shop

Knick-knacks and vases sparkle with glee
I’m sure there is hidden treasure in here for me.
Dusted and cared for
to bring out the shine
one could get lost in this store
imagination running wild in your mind.

The older it gets staying pristine
The more value it has with joy to gleam

Some little sheep to start a flock
upon the wall a hand carved cuckoo clock.
Mugs that were once filled with ale
a frog napkin holder just for the fun
air tight jars to keep your rice from getting stale
silver that glistens in the polished sun.

Afraid to touch for fear it might break
Be careful with that piece for Heaven’s sake

A sugar bowl to be filled with sweet cane
Most items have a function no matter how mundane.
Small statues of gnomes with wily eyes
Dr. Boyd’s cure all still unopened
porcelain from grandma’s home, her only prize
An 1820 train ticket, fortune’s passage a token.


The Curio Shop

The older it gets staying pristine
the more value it has with joy to gleam.
Afraid to touch for fear it might break
be careful with that piece for Heaven’s sake.
Items from dreams that were collected
sit in the curio shop preciously protected.

That one perfect piece on the mantle to display
will be liberated from display on this happy day.