• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 07
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Thank You, A Eulogy

the countryside
              sailed upstream in summers   past,
golden, keep appearing in flashes,   i think

we did what we had to, and we did it
always with a smile, in dutiful togetherness.

you caught me right on time,  &nbsp  ripe,
before my reflection could exit the mirror.

those songs we wrote together
play on the radio, play in cars and aeroplanes,
decades later they'll play in elevators and commercial breaks.

that is the blessing and the curse,  an unforgiving melody
to paint for me the great times forever; i know they aren't especially better than today
just as i know they will not repeat.

i give you a tribute in my order at this pub,
a half pint and a main course with the chips replaced for salad;
mum would be proud and i wish i had a candle to light.

i pick out the arugula from the mixed leaves
with no dressing in sight, yum.
the truth is

your absence is ever louder than any celebration
could be today, i've written a hundred songs,
none sound like ours, but i am


Thank You, A Eulogy

i am so much better than how you left us,
i think you'd be proud.

you'd be proud.

i am so much better than how you left us,
i think you'd be proud.

you'd be proud.