• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 04
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Synoptic Accounts

Some reports will focus on her grey plastic bag,
jump to judgement, tongues ready to condemn:
How dare she?

Others will latch on to her headscarf, black,
no hair showing – will make certain assumptions:
She must be …

What I notice is a short black raincoat over a navy
uniform: serge tunic, matching trousers, creased,
regulation shoes, polished.

Some will see wet concrete, a pedestrian crossing,
would prefer a grey sky overhead, consistent with
another rainy day.

Others will point a puddle drying on the road,
the deep blue sky, a fluffy white cloud or two
at her head, no her feet.

We must take up the photograph, rotate it until
we've considered all viewpoints, weighed up facts,
can only then see sense.