• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 07
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A glistening ray of gold pierces through.
brilliant streaks shone with a touch of warmth
coldly upon my face.
dandelion bloomed
escaping my grasp
finding any glint of greenness left in the world.
gone are the days of wintry light kissing upon my cracked lips.
hopeful August sun turns the Earth’s hues brighter than my sunburnt cheeks.
incandescent light dancing on the clear surface of the
jeweled water.
kaleidoscopic petals stroked the ground
like a new painting with still wet oils.
musked pine fills the air as I walk on the tinder of the forest floor.
narcotized under the drug that is summer. The cracks
on each rock were like the wrinkles on a wizened old face as the
promise of tomorrow’s treasure lingered in the air. A
quiet breeze caught my breath and the
refreshing aroma of the rose gardens gave way to the cool scent of wet grass,
sweet like succulent lemons.
the world painted vivid by its rays.
unwavering love
vulnerable to my presence.
whimsical branches decorate the sky as
xanthous leaves draped the trees. Now, here I am
yearning those sweet summer days and
zesty lemonade