• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 10
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A Summer Evening to Remember

The red and white striped sail flapped against the summer sea breeze. We’d be approaching town soon and going to dinner. I went below deck and stripped naked; my skin unevenly tanned from the bikini. I stepped into the shower and the cool water splashed against my face and body. Ten years together, a special anniversary. What did Johnny have planned?

I applied red lipstick and let my long, black hair, drop against my shoulders. I put on my strapless white sundress and matching white pumps. I grabbed my purse and held onto the wall steading, as the sail boat rocked. When I reached above deck, Johnny had been waiting for me and my mouth dropped. T-shirt and shorts? Why wasn’t he dressed yet?

Johnny enthusiastically said, “Lori, you’re looking real hot! I’m starving. While you were showering, I did some exploring and found a great fish and chips place down the road. They’re having fried shrimp and french fries, two for one dinner special.”

I guess after ten years, that’s what I should’ve expected. I went below deck and changed into my jean shorts and t-shirt.