• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 08
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Spirit Guide of Childhood

For Judith

from naked seed to root and branch
we do not grow from childhood
suited, booted
pin striped
pinned in
hat bedecked
nor do our women’s weeds fortell a destiny of weeping-wailing
into willow waters

Sweet spirit guide of childhood ever at my shoulder
stoic reminder of skipping days
I dance back to you on the day that we first met
wrinkly-skinned worlds away
downy hair trailing the breeze, brightening rustle of your blue leaves
let down your hair
shadow tree
reach out for me

Send fresh rain
seeping up old pains
water me to sapling


Spirit Guide of Childhood

tired roots
tear stained
tied roots
tilted hat
root brain-mane
key ringed heart
blood- red

sweet spirit guide
always and forever at my shoulder
lending me laughter
take me back to the old fern tracks of care free days
through shadow haze
dance me through