• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 09
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solitario de amor no more

I've lived as an unloved
man for so long and now
that I intend to get off
of myself for good and walk
the streets face/nameless
at last no citizenship, no
creed --God has no church,
no trace/pretense of any
sort of identity --not even
the sapiens sapiens one,
hominid me if that pleases
your need for branching...,
now that I intended to go
slow -kinda as they say here
in Belize, and just happily
merge my cognition with
the grand scheme of things,
remembering what we all
were and what we will be,
a spontaneous human
love calls me back again
to life as we understand it,
but now I'm heart positive
I will adore Irene as I revere
the good bacterias that she is
--and if you can't handle such
a way of poetizing: the celestial
dust that gave her her beauty,

solitario de amor no more

and don't read then Cristina
Peri-Rossi's opus magnífica,
a post-us song of the songs
to which this poem owes
the title and everything else