- Vol. 03
- Chapter 07
Sister of Secrets (SOS)
I have got my heart in a veilwhere lovers won’t congregate;
I will buy a love spell from a gypsy
with the greenest veins raised on
freckled hands;
she will teach me the art of
enticements, when moons
undress fearlessly
for shadows, watch their light
cast lamps into their own fires;
I will practice my sway by a mirror,
encase my eyes in thicker strokes
of kohl, dress them in jewels
of firoza hues, across my forehead
like a queen’s airs shall rest a string
of pearls from a deeply loved heart’s
and I shall wear white silk
from the bazaars
of a promiscuous merchant;
the night will be lured to commit
the deed; there will be a woman
that shall lose her womb tonight,
there will be a miracle
passed onto me tonight –