• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 11


Her hand steadied me, provided for me
when she didn't have to, when she was
the only one that cared. She perceived
my trembling inner-child unnurtured
by my narcissistic natal mother;

my soul-friend understood, I had to learn
to balance, to raise my eyes and grow. I
found my feet gazing at her lived-in skin.
She offered acceptance, faced with my
unsure, scared belligerence. She soothed
my agitation to a steady beat. One night,
lit up by lunar lights, I dared to trust
myself, raise my eyes and embrace
my providence. Hopes spun within
the spheres: a rare harvest moon.
Selene's skirts swirled in clouds
as I remembered my protector's
signet ring. Her band, her hand
had guided me to love my life,
to live my life with confidence
and in my turn, to give.