• Vol. 01
  • Chapter 08
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A Secret Coffer

A secret coffer, within my own
I hide you there, with traits unknown
Fallacies; your ecliptic eyes
To fall in love’s a fool’s disguise

Wilted roses, optimistic still
Through summer nights, silence shrill
Candles burn to stalactites
Wafting bubbles through time’s demise

Like citrus fruit embracing mould
Aeons pass, I long your hold
I do not see, but love you blind
Your peacock feathered perplexed mind

The phone unhooked by empty gin
A false attempt to triumph your kin
Trust our fates to intertwine
But just until I claim you mine;

A secret coffer, within my own
I hide you there, with traits unknown
Fallacies; your ecliptic eyes
To fall in love’s a fool’s demise