- Vol. 04
- Chapter 12

Ruled by the Moon
As the waves crash in, I am Zen This is not my usual M. O. Usually, thoughts and ideas come flooding in faster than the speed of light Some may consider this a gift, but it is a price I'm paying for generations of past mistakes Hyper-vigilance is what those in the world of psychological schools of thought call it It's amazing how much a childhood trauma can affect one far into adulthood Everything stuffed down for all of those years, comes spewing back up We try to make our children's life easier than our own However, if we didn't have good role models to get the tools we need How in the world can we properly guide our own? The judgement The finger pointing It's all so mind boggling and shameful that we all can't join together to make things right for our loved ones We've all been traumatized one way or another All of us Think of all the wars that wouldn't even take place if we all banded together to make sure our children were at peace This is my dream that I'm able to hold onto while laying here listening to the waves crash in