• Vol. 07
  • Chapter 09
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When I found myself in a predominant white neighborhood
White homies wouldn't invite me to their parties
They complain about my colour
My black colour which is my identity
And as an African in a white man's land,
White folks complain about my local accent
and they nag when I pronounce the word thing as 'tin'
and the word death as 'det'
They avoid me because of my 'h-factor'
and they shriek when I pronounce oil as 'hoil'
And when I wear my native attire
They look at me disdainfully
When they order salad,
I order my local meal
And they sit far away from me in the intercontinental restaurant
But all these give me a sense of identity.

Their hatred is at climax
And their identity intimidates me
When I spot a cop car
I hide my face
My life is like a bird in a cage
because I don't want to disappear
like other black homies
and when I hear the word asphyxiation,
I tremble, and the phrase,
I can't breathe
brings tears to my face
That's what black folks face.
But I've never fled to solitudes.



Now I am untroubled about my identity
I am black
Hoping to cease not till death
But black lives matter and
Equity matters.