• Vol. 02
  • Chapter 12
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Queen Jizabella

"You cleaned all day?"
"You don't believe me?"
"Of course I believe you. This place... this place is the... uhm."
"The what?"
"The place for kings and queens. I mean look at that throne there. That's where the famous Queen Jizabella sat."
"Queen Jizabella."
"Right. So anyway I'm on my way downstairs and-"
"Wait! Who was Queen Jizabella?"
"Oh... You don't know?"
"Well, rumor has it, she was the most hideous queen there ever was. Warts moved away from her face - that's how hideous she was."
"I know! That's why toads have so many warts now."
"Because of Queen Jizabella."
"That's right. So Queen Jizabella outlawed mirrors."
"Oh no! She was evil."
" Yea, but she meant well. You see, no one cared about how they looked anymore."
"Everyone became just as ugly as her?"
"Yup. Or everyone became just as pretty as her."
"But the warts?"
"She didn't have any warts. They moved to the toads, remember? No, actually it turned out that Queen Jizabella wasn't so hideous after all. It was just people's perception of her."
"People's perfection of her?"

Queen Jizabella

"Ha! Yea. Actually yea. That's a better word for it. People walked around and only cared for how they themselves looked. When Queen Jizabella removed all the mirrors, it was the first time anyone ever saw beauty in a stranger."
"In that chair?"
"Yes. Isn't a beautiful chair?"
"Yes it is. It's perfect."