• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 01
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Purple Haze

Purple Haze,
Summer Days,
Alternate Ways,
Male Gaze,
Eye Strays,
Unwanted Plays,
Temper Frays.

Milk Trays,
Teenage Laze,
Parental Dismays,
Maturity Delays,
Just a Phase,
Who Says,
A-Maze. Balls.

Are the ‘roos a ruse,
Or the canaries down the rabbithole,
To follow or to flea,
Mermaid siren singing to me,
Ten-foot toddler transporter,
The scoop from a different quarter,
Stand and Deliver, Adam.

Flattened peaks,
Just ask the geeks,
Supra-macro-jumbo-mega dosing,
Social media posting,


Purple Haze

Treated like a leper,
Call me Sergeant Pepper,
And take a little more potion for the lilliputians.

Sleep. Sanity. Sobriety.
Rat race restoration.
Monday morning misery.