• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 06
Image by

Premier Class Magnifying Glass

I was born in Taiwan
Officially Republic of China
In a factory outside Taipei
Then shipped off to America &nbsp &nbspwhere

They acquired me at a hardware
Located in Brightwood DC
Paid nine dollars plus taxes
Little change from ten bucks &nbsp &nbspfor

Three amateur super-sleuths
Ginger, Black Hair, Brown Bear
Off into Rock Creek Park
On the frolic of their lives &nbsp &nbspjust

Intent on resolution
Of World mega-problems
With me as aide-de-camp
Recruited for acute vision &nbsp &nbspwhen

Looking behind verdant leaves
Upsetting apple carts
Magnifying the meaning of all life
In stones, gravel, grains &nbsp &nbspfound

Nothing but minutia
Mere discards of mankind
Cigarette butts, soda bottles
Paper floating in the breeze &nbsp &nbspbut


Premier Class Magnifying Glass

Amused themselves for hours
Until sun drooped under Woodley
Drew lots to retain me
But dropped me in litter &nbsp &nbspthen

Retreated to Brightwood
Supper, ablutions, bed
Without concern for my being
I might as well be dead though

Picked up by a trash track
Taken off to recycling
A process of duress
Dissected in two &nbsp &nbspwhile

My metal went into space
Part of a Falcon 9 rocket
Then you received my lens
To eventually read this poem.