• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 06
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With the last of my strength
I crawl, snake-like
Into the rays of the sun

I rise, I prance, I dance
I gather solar power
And into the day I advance
To cause mischief and mayhem

When you’re at your keyboard
I buzz around your ear
Distracted, you press send
Before you’ve time to think

When you’re in the supermarket
Scanning as you go
I sneak things into your trolley
And make sure you are checked

When you’re driving stop start
You see me on your shoulder
You turn, I’ve gone
You turn back, too late
You’ve hit the car in front

I still turn milk sour
And make hens cease to lay
As I have for centuries, yet
Sometimes, I just knock
On your door, and run away



Using my strength
My power wanes
With that of the sun
Yet, one last trick I play

A succubus, I squat
Athwart your sleeping form
Drawing from your potency
Enough to keep me ‘til morn

With the last of my strength
I crawl, snake-like
Into the rays of the sun