• Vol. 06
  • Chapter 12

Pieces of My Love

This is a disembodied installation piece that the artist Franz Joseph Isouphi II had recently installed in the exhibition wing of the Royal Gallery. Using both artistic skill and a few crucial dollops of pure ingenuity, Mr. Isouphi has managed to create this deconstructed piece using found materials, in this case, the body parts of his former lover, Marguerita Illanina. Ms. Illanina will surely no longer need her corporeal parts, her spirit having left her body under mysterious circumstances two weeks after she threatened to leave Mr. Isouphi and run off with another gentleman. Critics have tried to stir up controversy and implicate Mr. Isouphi in her tragic demise, likely inspired by the fact that Mr. Isouphi’s relationship with women has historically been controversial, at best, and some would even say problematic, but anyone sane and sober enough to examine the details will immediately see that it is their jealousy at Mr. Isouphi's phenomenal artistic success that leads them to such wicked conclusions. Anyone familiar with the facts, who has also read either the coroner's report, or the account in the local broadsheet, would have already been disabused of such nonsense. Scotland Yard had recently concluded that Ms. Illanina's probable cause of death is suicide by drowning. She is said to have flung herself off the embankment and drowned in the River Thames, deranged with distress, unable to choose between Mr. Isouphi and her new lover, whose identity remains a mystery. Women! you would think, and maybe even say to yourself privately. If you or I were her, there would be no question of whom to choose, of course, for there really has not been an artist as talented, as original, and as successful as Mr. Isouphi in this country for decades. His installation piece, boldly entitled "Pieces of My Love," is included in the general admission, and is available for viewing until spring of next year. If you want to be amazed, darling audience, then I highly recommend you drop your quotidian pursuits and rush off to see this mesmerising work of wonder as soon as possible.