• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 04
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One Good Turn

I escaped in the dark of night
Walked ‘til early morning light
Entered into the land of swaying trees
With dappled rays and buzzing bees

Deeper into the forest I went
Intoxicated by woodland scent
A caterpillar on the ground I spied
Poor wee thing, she tried to hide

I picked her up with gentle touch
She smiled her thank you very much
Then found a leaf, began to munch
Late breakfast, maybe early lunch

I wished I had something to eat
I was hungry, feeling the heat
Then spied a cottage in a glade
Maybe some food and lemonade

Come in she said, most welcome guest
Eat and drink and take your rest
I ate and drank and fell asleep
Woke in the garden, in a heap


One Good Turn

Surrounded by a fence so high
Tears leaked out, I began to cry
Many days she kept me there
Her cruel intentions became so clear

She sang of the taste of human flesh
How she liked it young and fresh
She fed me well and gave me water
Preparing me for the slaughter

Then a butterfly flew down to my ear
Told me not to despair, to be of good cheer
A multitude of her fellows fluttered down
Blue and red, yellow and brown

They lifted me so high and clear
The lady could only curse and swear
Over the fence, they set me down
Blue and red, yellow and brown

My saviours left, away they flew
In search of nectar, gold and true
A final wave to my saviours so good
I continued my journey through the wood