• Vol. 05
  • Chapter 05

Oh, what the fate!

A feisty heroine and a fresh hero,
Trying to make love to each other,
Caught in between the love,
Tore them apart!
They tried to spit words,
But it was in vain.
“It is because of you,” he said,
“you opened up to me.”
“I did but not to you or for you,” she declined,
“I gasped for a breath.”
“Oh, I thought you loved me.”
“Because, I thought you would be gentle.”
“I was not meant to be, dear teeth.”
“I should have bitten you, dear twig.”
“Shut up, both of you. You are meant for
Display. Now, shut up,” said the irate tool,
“And my fate, I ended up between you both!”