• Vol. 01
  • Chapter 11
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Oh hair

"Do you think?" Estelle said quietly.
"Yes I do." I replied in equally candid tones.
"Do you think?"
"Yes, I, do!" My voice rising to a sibilant hiss.
I carried on combing Bruce. Estelle locked tight to me keeping as close as she could resumed fretting over the situation. Her hands were in constant motion in contradiction to the stillness of the rest of her. Her face pinched in apprehension and thought. Her shoulders held back and down forcing pressure on her neck. She would have a headache later. Her fingers expressed the only visible animation as they kept winding around themselves.
“So humiliating.”
“I'm OK, deliberately didn't comb mine this morning as I knew this would happen. I could probably get away with it.”
“Oh, it's, all, my, fault, is, it!”
“Yes, it, is! You did insist, saying it would save us £40.”
Estelle stayed fixed in place daring not to move for fear of attracting more attention. Imagining the stillness would make her invisible to those around them. Her hands continued to express her unease. At times squeezing themselves so hard that the blood was forced from them and they turned white, the pink ends of the fingers marking where the blood had been pushed to the ends.
“God I can't bear this.”
“You have to, we will be here all day, you have to ignore it and breeze through.”
“I want to run out.”
“And let them win.”

Oh hair

“Yes! Anything.”
“No you stay here and suffer like me.”
I furtively glanced up and looked about, several of the usual wags were looking, pointing in our direction and sniggering amongst themselves.
Estelle didn't look. She fixed her gaze on a dog box on the floor in front of us. Imagining herself somewhere else, away from the gaze of the dog world and those they knew and despised.
"You're right. They are all looking and sniggering."
"Good, let them, they can only do that as they know Bruce is going to win.
"Yes. I feel really foolish."
“ I know it saves money, but do you see the consequences?"
“I never expected.....”
“No, neither did I, but now we just have to get on with it”
"Can I go wait in the car?"
"No, you stand here and suffer with me."
"I haven't even got a scarf!"
"Next time can we do it the way most people do it?"
After a short pause "What..... yes..... of course, I am not going through this humiliation again"
"Good, next time its hairdressers rather than all of us using the dog groomer....despite what he says of his hairdressing background."