• Vol. 03
  • Chapter 03
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My hands shake slightly as I focus the camera. Pull yourself together, Abe I tell myself. Nothing stays the same for ever. Young Abe turns for a moment, steadies himself for his dive, totally engrossed.The camera snaps. Maybe this will be the finest one I've taken? We share the camera, but his pictures have finer detail, with more light and shade.
The old, furled umbrellas stand starkly guarding the water, as I reflect over the times Abe and I have enjoyed our time
together. He always carries his tin box for our snack, also the camera. The towel keeps my shoulders warm. His grandmother, Ella, has been in hospital for days and today her tired body has finished it's earthly life.

        I remember her words from years ago, to young Abe,
        'Your mom has been very sick and she has gone to Heaven. She is in a better place.That's why you have come to live with us, we are very privileged to welcome a fine young grandson'.
Young Abe's face had become very serious, as he absorbed this. Finally, he had turned to Ella and hugged her.
        'Well. I guess, if my Mom is in a better place, that goes for me, too, Grandma'.
Dear God, give me the right words to tell the boy, I prayed, silently. He must enjoy his diving time first. I will gently break the news to him on our walk back to the cosy homestead. The words will come; and the tears. We'll sit on the porch and dip biscuits in our cocoa and listen to our
Marley records until we are both so tired that he'll slide into bed. I will sleep on the old couch on the porch covered with Ella's favourite blanket...