• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 04

My little cutie

My little cutie
Honey pie
Porky and pink.
Everyday I brush
Your little
Cute snout,
Button ears and think
“Should it be the pink brush
Or the blue?”
My little cutie pie
I love you.
Piggy pumpkin
And cherry sweet
I love hearing your
Little words.
What did you say?
Mini munchkin
And sweet darling
I don’t always understand
What you inferred
But my little cutie pie
I will always
Cradle you in my hand
For one day I will understand
I gave you a phone
To call your mom
She only texts on the weekend
And never for long


My little cutie

My little cutie
Honey pie,
I love you forever
And never will I think of bacon
(at least, I’ll try)