• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 10
Image by

Museum 2184

note the haversack for the hill walker
in those far off times above the caves
when sun was worshipped there was
greenery to gaze upon – to fondle – to
walk and not expire from dehydration

you will have seen those old paintings
photographs of rivers – valleys – forests
they did exists – they are not myths – look
at the lawnmower saved from destruction
their method of cutting grass to their needs

for they had grass watered and manicured
they were passionate about it looking neat
never gave a thought of how endless sun
failing rains – sudden floods – would leave
bare earth to blow – blind – starve

finally observe the train – it was electric
a primitive – early troglodyte exploration
we use ponies – providing power – manure
for our modern cultivars – meat for the table
nothing down here is wasted

but they never understood – the depths to which
we would have to sink