• Vol. 02
  • Chapter 09
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There follows a series of questions. For each,
select one correct answer from the possible options.

Men are more vulnerable at:
A Dawn
B Dusk

Give reasons (five words max.)

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What best describes two men in a bar:
A Just sounding off
B Sounding him out
C Just kidding
D Salt of the earth

Two men in a field at dawn:
A Male bonding
B Team-building
C Wrong

Is the drama played out:
A Wesker
B Theatre of the Absurd
C Alan Ayckbourn



Male twins are more sensitive than other men:
A True
B False

If you could, you would date both men:
B True
A False

Twins are as close as (tick two):
A Hares boxing
B Men in a locker room
C Like poles
D Men in barley-corn

Place in order of priority:
A Do you kiss the same?
B Which one was first-born?
C Are you identical?
D Do you feel each other’s pain?

For answers, turn to the back page