• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 08

Mud-Eye Breathless

A mermaid,
 one of all that belongs to fantasies.
I did not understand him, I followed
and there, walls, higher than the castle, in a dark grey shade
he stopped,
leaning his head around the corner
of the gate
speaking – hush, mm, erm...
All that was uttered

He pulled at my arm and I saw a woman, sitting
in a cubicle, with curtains in maroon, framing her head.
People bowed silently as we passed,
I watched him, his gaze straight ahead
He smiled –
The walls were closer, I gripped harder
my nails in his skin

Led to a door,
small door
out of wood, dark, like chocolate cream
He let me pass through first
“Ahead, ahead, follow the fairy lights”
It was a museum, with walls hollow,
dusty shelves and all lights were out
except for this…

This room, the fairy lights continued 
down, to the floor
from the ceiling
There, not bigger than my foot stood a glass


Mud-Eye Breathless

“A mermaid,”
I looked back at him,

I knelt down, rested my head on my hands
flat against the floor, looking, there
hands, eyes and teeth. 
Was it made out of mud?
I sighed upon the glass
and looked at it, her, or him?
It blinked.
I looked back at him,
“What?” he said.

I turned back and its little hand was
against its chest
I leaned closer, its eyes open
shot a stare at me
and I lost my breath.