• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 08

Mr Felix

It had been a long time since I had seen Felix.  So naturally I was surprised when an invitation arrived to the Summer Exhibition, in the post, together with a letter.  He had a series of portrait paintings that had been accepted for the show and would I like to come.  Tabitha would be going of course and some of the others.  It would be great to catch up after all this time.  After all this time – how fascinating.  I had been besotted by the elusive Mr Felix once.  Who could forget, that famous thick hair, blue eyes – and that smile.  So talented.  Then he suddenly vanished, cleared out, without a trace.

When I walked into the showroom, there he was – his hair had gone grey, like us all now but he was still handsome.  They were all circling around him, chatting and discussing the portraits.  Then I suddenly saw it – hanging in the distance.  Stealthily, I edged towards it.  It was a self-portrait of Felix but not as we know it.  It was all sleeves and lace with a large floppy hat and that face with his blue mischievous eyes and an exaggerated curly moustache that looked rather like giant whiskers.  As I moved in closer, he watched me – just stared.  I looked at the title – ah yes – The Laughing Catalier.