• Vol. 08
  • Chapter 12
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Somewhere it's still here—
the me I used to be.
The carefree laughter
sundrenched with youth-
fulness; skin, flesh, dreams.

I used to be a shiny key
to promise, vast horizons
of opportunity unrolled to me,
offering red carpet futures
whichever I chose.
"Qual der Wahl"—torture of choice—
so I put off deciding,
basking and residing in my shining
days, confident they'd stay
open and inviting to my brilliant key.

But I was wrong.
Young sunlight faded, dulled,
my vast horizons
lost definition, shivered, shrank amorphously,
annulled by grey;
those rich red carpets, tattered by time,
fell into dust.



Somewhere it's still here—
the me I used to be.
But my key is patinaed and rusted,
abandoned, dangling on a wire,
nothing left

                        to unlock.