• Vol. 10
  • Chapter 09

Memory Lane

Sometime past midnight,
the road wanted us
damp skin, hunger as crimson as lust,
windows down as we drank in the cool night air

We were lemon and coconut
buttered and tan
laughing at the boys who would come along some day
promising we would always be friends

How much happiness could we stand?
those days feel like forever ago
and yet like yesterday
pushing the limits of speed and running red lights

Now we meet as middle aged women
sandalwood and jasmine
golden and refined
no one is vibrating out of their skin anymore

Frizzante drinks and shared cigarettes,
we are compelled to travel down memory lane
pushing the limits of nostalgia
and shared soundtracks
reminding ourselves that we once were
impulsive and sparkly and silly

We are not drunk on life anymore
but that is okay
we have love
and that is a steady hunger
that will never fade