• Vol. 04
  • Chapter 07

Memory of a Blue Chair

A blue chair stands as a remnant
of a night long ago and almost forgotten
when bright colorful streamers were thrown
by happy and elated thankful hands
I heard these words, peace at last is well worth celebrating
Too young, to really understand I stood at the top of the stairs
Woken by the joyful voices, I crept down
and stood barefooted behind the chair,
you saw me and whispered, darling
daddy will be coming home soon now
I stood behind the blue chair
looking towards the door and waiting
The blue chair now stands
in the window of a second hand shop
slightly faded from time,
but I still see the colorful streamers
and once again I am barefooted
behind the blue chair and still waiting



I stood bewildered at the top of the stair