• Vol. 05
  • Chapter 06


Hey there!
No, no, no.
Hold your breath
and please wait.
Nope. It is not suicide
but about a life.

Bleak air stirred my care
now from here,
down the line, on a busy road,
a red little spot
provides some scope.
In this gauzy whirl
I find myself on
the top of the world.

Elated they were
witnessing life everywhere
forgetting fatigue
tending to new bend.
Covering a hundred miles
uncovering endless tales.

Towering were the listeners
having stoney ears, and
no mercy or tears.



I was afraid of
their fears. I think
darkish tunnels and
rattle of weathers
have devoured their savior.
So, here I am,
with a small candle.
As I am to announce
a few scandals.
"Once upon a time..."