- Vol. 02
- Chapter 12
Mal Aria
Season of grist and yellowing decaythus close death comes to nature
even as unpicked grapes rot on the vine
but hardly infer a rhyme for wine
and I should decline it too
and yet the apothecary sinks deeper in doom
I speak now of Keats and tremulous TB
the dread that makes him think
of the Southern beaker and the drink
that embosoms the fatal fall
from that great tree (of life some say)
a chestnut or merely a cliche:
but blood dripping from the barber's pole
does nothing for the fading metropole
and soon he shrinks from sight
and still the thought remains of fruitfulness
the poem as palimpsest fills the air
even the mal aria, a death in Venice
where we might play some tennis
but after the fall and not with Dennis.