• Vol. 09
  • Chapter 12

Lying to myself again

The Wookie tells me
Not to take the translation job
After all—she wants me to get ahead.
We meet under a stone overhang
When the sun is at its highest
Honestly it sounds super dull, she says
Why don’t I jump Risa instead
Get it on with a little green man?

She waves her hairy arms until
I admit that she’s right:
It is boring work, not fit for a beast
Like her, but I am not a beast
And don’t particularly like her.
I do it anyway and stuff the text
Full of backhanded insults
About loose-limbed aliens.

Mine is not a faithful translation
But as usual nobody notices
Except for my Asogian friend
Who tells me I need to get out more.
Good point. Then the credits arrive
And I fill up my ship, knowing
I could do more, do better than this
Telling myself it will be different, next time.